Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory!

Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory!

"Death is swallowed up in victory." " O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" Behold, The Holy Grail! God's plan from the beginning is made manifest and nothing is hid or made secret that should not come to light. A great sign in the sky has appeared as to fulfill that which is written of the end times. It is important all understand that my bringing this to you is not through my righteousness but through the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am truly among the least of all according to my sin, which is the sin of our day. Through Jesus Christ and the grace of God who has seen past my sin,searched my heart and granted me repentance, my prayers are answered. I pray my words are not only of my own understanding but that which God would have me write and I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. The story your about to read in the pages of this book is related to a supernatural set of events centered around Easter Sunday 2007. I will share with you information God has led me to that helped in understanding all that has happened in the 24 hour period of time that has changed my life forever.What has happened to me and what I have seen is supernatural in nature and I understand that many people will have a hard time believing some if not all of what you are about to read. But I have taken much care as to not embellish the story. It's important to note that what has happened to me and what I have seen leaves no room for interpretation, although certain portions of the experience I am still praying for understanding and through the word of God I am being led to those answers. This book is written for the believer in Christ, that it may strengthen your faith as the ripening of fruit in these days. In all that I have written remember this first and last, I refer you to your bible and ask you to pray always for the Lords help that no one deceive you. What I have written will be read by many and un

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