Fired Up

Fired Up

Motorcycle hill climb. See KEY analogy in description: Special effects film parallels our lives. Based on Hill Climb Havoc, motorcycle competition. Fire, lightning, explosions and plenty of crashes. Fired Up gives us a vision of the hill we are all climbing in this life. Video editing and effects by Norbert H. Kox, &acirc;��I used to be a hill climber and really loved it, so I had lots of fun with this video. It brings back some exciting memories.&acirc;��<br />

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Here is a wonderful analogy between hill climbs and the spiritual race we are all participating in: &acirc;��&acirc;�&brvbar;these people are trying to get to the top of the hill but some of them are going to fast; some lose control and go off to the side; and only a few make it to the top: these guys had the right form, not to fast, not to slow, and in control. It is the same with our walk in life. We need to take our time and let Yesu control us.&acirc;�� (Carlos Gomez, 7-21-08).<br />
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The fiery hill represents the trials, tribulations and obstacles along life&acirc;��s road. The &acirc;��runs&acirc;�� up the hill are our achievements in life and the top of the hill is the goal. Our mistakes (sins) cause us to crash in the way. Disciplined zeal is also a factor: Running ahead of God or lagging behind both spell disaster. To avoid getting out of control we must stay attuned to the Holy Spirit. To shoot over the top of life&acirc;��s hill is our reward for a good ride. To win the competition means the ultimate prize.<br />
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