Geronimo Jones (1970) by Bert Salzman - Award Winning Video

Geronimo Jones (1970) by Bert Salzman - Award Winning Video

Geronimo Jones (1970) by Bert Salzman.

A young Apache boy is torn between the traditions of his heritage and the challenging life led by his cousin, who left the reservation to become an astronomer. The boy is also faced with deciding whether to keep a tribal artifact from his grandfather or trade it for a new TV. He does the latter in order to buy a birthday present for the grandfather. However, when Geronimo turns on the TV, the two are instantly reminded of the relationship of the Native American to contemporary society. A beautifuly touching story about a native American boy.
Young Geronimo Jones is caught between his past and his future. Beautifully shot on the Papogo Indian reservation in Arizona. Well acted and a fantastic and most touching story! Don't miss it. It's no wonder it played at Radio City Music Hall in New York City! Premiered at Radio City Music Hall in New York; Oakland Film Festival "Humanities Award"; Cine Golden Eagle Award; San Francisco film festival award; National Educational film Festival Award; Columbus Film Festival "Golden Christopher" Award. Director: Bert Salzman; Producer: Bert Salzman; public domain video.

Dear Friends,
The " Bert Salzman collection of cl%##ic 16mm educational films have recently been saved from extinction and are now available for viewing on the Internet Archive. Link: Salzman

The films originally made in the early 1970's as human values films for social study cl%##es include the (Academy Award winner Angel And Big Joe and Geronimo Jones (which premiered at the famous Radio City Music Hall in New York City). In his films Bert Salzman tries to instill hope and love into the hearts of young people. His message always was: "Have hope, go deep into your self; You are more than you think you are!".

The Internet Academic Archive is now hosting all of the Bert Salzman Collection and links to the entire collection can

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