Prophecy I am always ready – Received August 20, 2009

Prophecy I am always ready – Received August 20, 2009

Prophecy I am always ready – Received August 20, 2009

My child, look up and you will see Me, I am standing, ready to come and fetch My true Bride. I am ready, but most of you are not. Only a few will be ready and worthy if I would come now at this moment, many will be left behind. They are not ready. You must watch and pray, be ready.

Some had fallen away from their faith in Me or they are deceived, others are weary or fast asleep, not seeing nor hearing that I am coming sooner than they believe. They pay no attention to My signs and warnings. They are just not serious enough, still lovers of the world, not following Me, nor are they holy. I am holy and I change not. It is time for them to wake up before it will be too late. Only those with enough oil will be ready, worthy when I come.

Do not lean on your own understanding but inquire of Me all the time. I know everything and I am in control. I am always ready to come but the people in this world are not ready for Me. I am not slow to come, but I am full of compassion because I do not want any to perish but that all will come to repentance and have eternal life. Hell is not a place where any one will want to spend eternity, but mercy time is running out fast.

I am warning many times through many messengers. I am watching every one, nothing can be hidden from Me. I know every heart and thought. Few listen, few get themselves prepared. Few will be ready and worthy when I come.

I am always ready, are you one of the few who are ready for Me? Ask Me, I know who they are. If you are ready, stay ready and wait patiently on Me, do not run out of oil. I will come, I am always ready to come.

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