Humble servant - January 18, 2010

Humble servant - January 18, 2010

Humble servant – January 18, 2010

My child you must be a humble servant, busy working in My Kingdom, doing My will. Do not become like some who call themselves My servants but they have become very arrogant, self-righteous and do not fear Me. I know the intentions of every heart, nothing can be hidden from Me. They are busy building their own earthly kingdoms, doing their own things, not Mine, it will not last. They are not pleasing to Me and they don't ask Me if I am pleased with them. They will never know the truth, they just assume that I am satisfied with them. They will be very disappointed in that day to hear from Me, that I was not pleased with them, but it will be forever too late. Not every one who said to Me: Lord, Lord will enter into My heavenly Kingdom, only those who do My will and do not try to please man. I know My own by their names, they are not unknown to Me.

My child, do you want to know about a humble servant? It is one who submits himself totally to Me, who willfully denies himself, picks up his cross daily and follows Me. The one who allows My Spirit to guide and lead him every step of the way. He is busy doing My will every day, not his own will any more. He has humbled himself and surrendered himself totally to Me so that I can have My way with his life in My Kingdom.

Today is the day to make sure with Me, that I am well pleased with you and that you are one of My humble servants, do not assume but make sure with Me. Then you must stay a humble servant, working in My Kingdom, doing My will, until the end.

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