HOW GOD VIEWS (Unanswered) PRAYER - Pt 1 of 2 - By: Keith Hoffman

HOW GOD VIEWS (Unanswered) PRAYER - Pt 1 of 2 - By: Keith Hoffman

Our human nature is for God to answer our prayers in the way WE would like Him to answer them, correct? God understands that, and He has no problem with it. However, because God sees situations from a whole broader perspective; He sees the BIGER PICTURE, and chooses to not always answer our prayers the way and in the time we would LIKE them answered, we can grow to base out beliefs on unanswered prayer and God on some erroneous conclusions that can greatly HINDER our prayer lives and our relationship with God in several different arenas. Keith does a superb job of giving much greater understanding of matters we pray about, from GOD'S perspective. This message can help people so much, especially in their prayer lives, if they will take the time to listen to both parts of this message, and then not forget some of the important insights given. If for some reason you do not take the time to watch both parts of this video right now, please understand that God is NOT playing games with us when we pray about a matter. God ALWAYS responds to our prayers according to HIS insights and HIS wisdom, and one day in eternity, it will all become very clear to each of us who spend eternity with Him WHY God responded to each of our prayers as He does. God does NOT want us frustrated in our prayers to Him. He simply wants us to seek Him more diligently for greater WISDOM so that we have greater PEACE and CONFIDENCE when we pray.

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