GOD wants to talk to us ... do we even want to listen to HIM?

GOD wants to talk to us ... do we even want to listen to HIM?

Listen ... GOD wants to talk to you ....... Do we ever give way to what or how GOD feels about how we act, think, and behave? Do we even sincerely care? Why do we always rebutt, "if GOD did this ..." or "if GOD would do that ..." or "if only GOD could ...". GOD has given us our very lives! HE's given us HIS very own SON to free us from the one tormentor who wants to destroy us, body and soul (Matthew 10:28), to be $!!#ed for all eternity in Hades with It. Yet, knowing this we still act spoiled, selfishly, and boldly enough to question and rebutt GOD's wisdom and reasoning. Are we even hearing what GOD is lovingly telling us? We need to wake up and pay attention before it's too late. When GOD told Noah to build the arc he did so, perhaps reluctantly, but he still did what GOD guided, directed, and instructed him to do. He told the people what was instore for them, but they thought he was crazy. What happened when the rains did finally come, how many realized too late that their destruction was evident. No pleading could save them. It's the same today. GOD bless you, everyone.

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