TGIF - Thank God It's Friday!

THE WORD IS: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.... Oh satisfy us early with Your mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:12,14

THE POINT IS: Life is short and time is precious, so make the most of what you've got! Take into account how you will spend each day, and make every day count. Of course, only God, who alone is truly wise, knows exactly how to do this. Thus, we have the prayer that He would teach us to number our days in order that we might make wise use of them. Regrets! We all have some, and some have more than others. However, God's mercy is there to take care of our past faults and failures. His forgiveness is readily available, and His mercy is new every morning. God offers us the opportunity to start all over, with a whole new beginning! His grace makes it possible for us to move forward with our lives and be glad about it.

THE APPLICATION IS: You can avoid much hurt and heartache by making these Scriptures your prayer and following this admonition to live according to God's true wisdom. Don't waste your life. Regardless of what has happened in your past, let God make a difference in your future. You can start right now. Ask God to guide you in using your time wisely. Anything He leads you to do will be the wisest use of your time. It might be simply to take a nap, as Jesus did when He was in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. Or perhaps, He will lead you to share the Good News, like Jesus did when He gave the Sermon on the Mount. Whatever it is, it's His call, and it will be time well spent. Following God's plan and purpose for your life is not only the right way, it is the best way. When you do, He will cause you to apply your heart unto wisdom (that's the grace of God at work). Then you will have true satisfaction, and be able to rejoice all the days of your life!

Have a great week,
Lewis & Lue Gregory

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