Security Camera Catches Bear Walk Up On Unsuspecting Warehouse Employee

Security Camera Catches Bear Walk Up On Unsuspecting Warehouse Employee

Just another day in Russia? CCTV footage caught the terrifying moment on camera when a curious black bear seemingly snuck up behind a warehouse worker on its hind legs.

Close your eyes and imagine for a moment… (wait, open them back up so you can finish reading this!) You feel like you’re nine hours deep into a ten-hour shift at your job at the warehouse company. You’re taking inventory in the back, minding your own business, maybe even planning out what you’re going to make for dinner when you get home.

As you’re finishing up taking inventory of the boxes lining the shelves, you hear footsteps approaching from behind you.

“Oh that's probably just Dmitri from accounting,” you think to yourself.

But as you turn to look, you notice the majority of your vision is taken up by a large black figure looming in front of you.

And then it hits you… that isn’t Dmitri from accounting at all! That's a six-foot black bear standing on its hind legs in the Russian warehouse!

You shield yourself from the beast in horror as he pokes his slobbery wet nose up against your clipboard. You feel the heat as he exhales his pungent breath against your face and hands.

Your heart is beating out of your chest, and you momentarily wonder whether or not those Karate self-defense classes you took when you were 8 might finally pay off.

You envision yourself scaring the monster off with one swift karate-chop to the jugular. “Do bears even have jugulars?” you think to yourself, but there's no time left for contemplation. You must take action!

You shimmy against the shelves of boxes to try and squeeze past the bear when he suddenly falls back on all fours. Now’s your chance. You toss the clipboard to the side, catching the bear‘s attention and creating an opening to escape through. You make a mad dash for the exit, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you burst out of the warehouse door to safety.

You're safe at last. You take a sigh of relief. Dmitri from accounting is NEVER going to believe this.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

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