Orlando Marriage Counselor Jada Jackson Collins on New Years Resolutions, Daily Buzz

Orlando Marriage Counselor Jada Jackson Collins on New Years Resolutions, Daily Buzz

Did you make a New Year's Resolution for 2013? If you did, there is a strong possibility that you will not see it through to the end. According to researcher John Norcross and his colleagues, who published their findings in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, approximately 50% of the population makes resolutions each New Year. Among the top resolutions are weight loss, exercise, stopping smoking, better money management and debt reduction.

If you decided to commit to a New Year's resolution, a Forbes article suggests 7 ways for you to achieve your goal:

7 Strategies for Highly Effective New Year Resolutions
Read Entire Article by Jada Collins http://www.totallifecounseling.com/2013/01/2013-new-years-resolutions-7-strategies-for-highly-effective-new-years-resolutions-forbes

Read More about Author Jada Collins at http://www.totallifecounseling.com/counselors/jada/
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