Power of One Thing

Power of One Thing

From counselor and popular radio host Dr. Randy Carlson comes a new book containing the surprising truth: Living a better life is easier than you think! Instead of making big resolutions that quickly overwhelm you, The Power of One Thing invites you to begin moving toward change one daily, intentional step at a time. You'll learn how to figure out which positive change can make the biggest payoff in your life; you'll get practical tips from those who have already benefited from this plan; and you'll see how your one thing, lived intentionally over time, will help you to achieve the dreams you'd almost given up on.

Customer Reviews:

"As a professional trainer, I use The Power of One Thing in my Time Management Classes. Churches, businesses, and especially parents with teenage children could use this easy-to-understand title to motivate, inspire, and (literally) change the world with intentional ACTION!" —Patricia, Panama City, FL

"This is definitely a very challenging book... but in a good way. You should see my copy, it is tabbed and highlighted. I even went through and pulled out some quotes I really liked and posted them above my computer as motivation! I finished this book in a couple of days, but it will be a book that I keep on my bookshelf and will most definitely come back to it time and time again as a reference. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to change anything in their life and have been unsuccessful up till now; whether it is weight-loss, marita

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