Prometo Lealtad al Cordero

Prometo Lealtad al Cordero

Prometo Lealtad al Cordero

Ray Boltz


I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb

(conversation between father and son)

Dad, has it always been this way?
Well, even from the beginning men hated Jesus
Even thought he did nothing but love them
And teach them and heal them
They nailed him to a cross
They thought they had killed Him, but they only set him free
To live in the hearts of people like you and me who believe in Him
Then came the apostles and most of them were killed
For telling other people about Jesus
So they tortured them and killed them
And even left their bodies to rot as an example to other people,
But the church kept right on growing
Watered by the blood of these precious Saints
But Dad, Did they want to die?
No They didn't want to die I mean, many of them had children
Just like you they had to leave behind
But they were forced to make a choice
They could choose to live this one life here on

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