Carrie Culberson < > An Empty Doorway

Carrie Culberson < > An Empty Doorway

The Poem "An empty doorway" Was written for Carrie Culberson by an unnamed friend of hers.

When Carrie's mother Mrs. Debra Culberson put Carrie on the Partners of murdered children "Murder wall" ( panel 23)

In Carrie's bio she used the poem "An empty doorway"

She also used part of a poem I had written for Carrie.

When "Jill B. " Carrie's SELF APPOINTED web master saw this she thought I had written both poems.

Even that I had not and told her so. She did not believe me and took BOTH poems off of the website. This was done to try to hurt me. From the first day she found out that Mrs. Culberson knows more people then just Jill. Jill has never liked me.

Because she cannot stand the fact that I have known Mrs. Culberson longer then she has because I have the same problem of a missing loved one in my family.

Jill hates it when ever someone other then herself does anything over Carrie Culberson. Afraid that she will not get the credit for it. And if it does not draw attention to Jill it is not worth having up.

Jill took "An empty doorway" off of the net to try to hurt me.

She did hurt me but did hurt the person that really wrote this heart felt poem for Carrie. But, that does not matter to Jill either.

To the person that wrote the poem. I am sorry that that spiteful, jealous ______ hurt you.

I tried to stop her but could not.

That is one reason I made this video. To honor your poem and the feelings behind it. Feeling so many people that knew Carrie must have too.

{Special thanks to: You. Thank you for writing the poem. I must wonder if SHeDaisy did not know Carrie too.}

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