‘Cornerstone’ TobyMac and Zach Williams

The world is a volatile place. Life comes with many ups and downs, changes and upheaval, but there is One who is constant, consistent and always loving no matter what happens. 

The song “Cornerstone” by TobyMac and Zach Williams is about the many different changes in life – the good and the bad. But through it all, Jesus Christ is the one who will never change. His love, grace and mercy will remain. He is the solid foundation.

The song’s chorus accurately describes the changes we all experience in life. The song mentions the transition from one season to the next, the switch from one sunset to another and the many highs and lows attached to those days. However, despite everything the songwriter may experience, they have chosen to remain in Christ.

“Seasons come, and seasons go
They take me high; they leave me low
But I’m still standing on the only rock I know, you’re my cornerstone”

Praise God!

This song’s lyrics and message are similar to that of the old hymn “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.” Those who enjoy that hymn are in luck. Near the end of the song, TobyMac cues Zach Williams who sings a verse which happens to be from that hymn.  

What a beautiful song reminding us to hold on and to remain faithful even when the circumstances of life may make that difficult. 

Yes, life may leave us battered and bruised. It may feel like we can't catch a break or we’re entirely overwhelmed. But Christ has said He will never leave us or forsake us because He is faithful. He has never let us down before. Why would He start now? 

1 Peter 2:6 “Because it is contained in scripture, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, chosen, and precious: He who believes in him will not be disappointed.”


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Stay in Step with God’s Spirit - Your Daily Prayer - January 21

Walking with God takes intentional, day-by-day commitment. Let's renew that commitment in prayer today, together.

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