Dick Van Dyke's Side-Splitting Role as Encyclopedia Salesman in Carol Burnett Sketch

Dick Van Dyke's Side-Splitting Role as Encyclopedia Salesman in Carol Burnett Sketch

The iconic Dick Van Dyke brought the laughs by playing the role of an encyclopedia salesman in another hilarious sketch on The Carol Burnett Show. 

The Carol Burnett Show was a legendary comedic program that boasted terrific writing and had one of the best casts you’ll ever see on a television show. Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway and Vicki Lawrence never failed to make audiences laugh. Often, they even had their fellow castmates burst into laughter. 

But it wasn’t just the show’s regular cast that would have audiences laughing hysterically. The show often had some of the biggest names in comedy make guest appearances, including the iconic legendary Dick Van Dyke.

In a sketch posted on YouTube, Dick plays an encyclopedia salesman who picked quite possibly the worst time to visit Harvey and Carol. Carol and Harvey play a married couple who are having a massive fight, and Dick finds himself in the middle of it. 

Throughout the laugh-out-loud clip, Dick takes a beating. He’s hit, pushed, shoved and even finds himself thrown over a balcony. But like any good salesman, Dick is determined and persistent, willing to go through anything to make the sale.

Near the end of the clip, Carol and Harvey have made up and put their disagreements aside. They have also agreed to help Dick and want to purchase his most expensive set of encyclopedias for all his trouble.

However, just like everything else in the clip, this sale still does not work out for him. He once again literally finds himself in the middle of a domestic dispute.

This clip features some of the most talented people to ever appear on television. Carol, Harvey and Dick are all legends. But it’s Dick that shines brightest here as he demonstrates his skills in the comedic arts!

Job 8:21 “The time will come when your mouth will be full of laughing, and cries of joy will come from your lips.”

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