It's More Blessed to Give Than Receive

It's More Blessed to Give Than Receive

This one has an invitation, a song, and a challenge! The invitation is in two parts: Matthew 6:20 and Acts 20:35. The song has four verses based on Scriptures from various scenes in the Gospels: the widow who gave her two mites (small coins) (Luke 21:1-4), Jesus teaching during the Sermon on the Mount about treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-24), the boy who gave the five small barley loaves and two small fish he had so that the 5000+ people could all eat (John 6:1-15), and Jesus speaking with Nicodemus about the need to be born again (John 3:1-21). May we all be inspired to give generously to others locally and abroad that many may be helped and saved.



It's more blessed to give than receive.
It's the way of the Father.
It's more blessed to give than receive.
There's a reward like no other.

The widow with two mites had to choose:
would she spend or give or save?
Would she give none, one, or two?
You know all she had she gave!

Store up treasure in heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy!
And then one day when you're home,
for you there will be such joy!

The boy with five loaves and two fish
for the sake of many he allowed!
When you give unto the Lord,
Jesus will use it to bless a great big crowd!

God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son.
He gave Him up for you and me
so with Him we could be one!


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