Octopus Changes Colors To Hide Among Plants

Octopus Changes Colors To Hide Among Plants

It was truly an incredible sight when this octopus changes colors right in front of our eyes. While an octopus may not be the most glamorous creature in the sea, it is still a creation from God. I think we can all agree that the Lord truly took His time when He created all of the breathtaking animals that have been placed on this Earth. Each and every creature, no matter their size or looks, has a purpose and was placed here for a reason.

One of the most interesting sea creatures in the ocean is the octopus. This strange-looking animal is known for it’s long tentacles and ability to transform their body to fit through small spaces and gaps. Another notable quality of the octopus is the ability to change colors. Octopuses can camouflage themselves to hide from predators or catch their own prey. One diver was able to witness this incredible phenomenon in person while swimming in the French Riviera.

When this octopus saw the diver approaching, he quickly used his camouflage technique to hide among the plants. He is completely concealed as the diver swims around to capture footage. This is just another reminder of the time and detail that the Lord took with each animal when He created Earth.

Genesis 1:21 “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

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