Mother Dog Fights Rescuers Fearing For Her Pups

Mother Dog Fights Rescuers Fearing For Her Pups

When an animal rescue team was informed that 5-day-old puppies were found at a construction site and taken, they leapt into action. The kids who found the puppies, took them home and tried to feed them. The rescue team wanted to make sure that both the puppies and their mother would be taken care of, so they persuaded the children to bring the puppies back.

That's when they placed the newborn pups in a pen and sat it in the area where they were initially spotted. They hoped that the mother would find them and that's exactly what she did. But this protective mama did not want her or her precious babies to be harmed and was so afraid. She became even more upset when she thought the rescuers were taking the babies from her and started to growl and bite.

Thankfully, they were able to remove her and the puppies from the construction site and take them to the shelter. The mother eventually warmed up to her kind new friends when she realized they meant no harm and now the whole family is getting the love and attention that they deserve. God bless these kind folks and their selfless hearts!

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