Funny Southerners Compare Pollen To Horror Movie

Funny Southerners Compare Pollen To Horror Movie

I sure do love when the seasons change and it starts to get warmer, but I am not a big fan about pollen season. And It's almost that time of year where we need to keep those tissues and allergy meds handy.

Springtime is upon us and though we love the warmer weather, the chirping birds, and the blooming flowers, something else comes along with it. Cold and flu season may be over, but large amounts of pollen are underway and we know what everyone says, “April breezes bring May sneezes."

Just watch this funny video as a man is shown walking down the street and notices everyone wiping their noses and sneezing. Everyone around him is reacting to the pollen. Would you compare pollen season to a horror film?

Well, the comedy group at It’s a Southern Thing did and they made a hilarious trailer for the season that is coming soon. Now if you’re from any of the Southern states, then you know your area is in for some serious pollen. I hope you’re ready to brave the pollen season!

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