Rees Howells Intercessor - The Sequel

Rees Howells Intercessor - The Sequel

Rees Howells taught his only son Samuel the principles of intercession and commissioned him some weeks before his death, stating, “Whatever you do, stand and maintain these intercessions.” When the Lord called Rees Howells home in 1950, Samuel called these intercessors together and challenged them to continue in the life of faith and intercession.

For the next five decades, Samuel Rees Howells led this team, and others who would join them, to intercede during many great international crises, whenever the Holy Spirit laid a burden upon them. “The weapons of our warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds,” said Samuel in one crisis, “There are many strongholds before us, but they can all be dealt with.” Throughout many of the lethal conflicts of the twentieth century, Samuel would seek the Lord and find His will for the situation; then he would be locked in profound spiritual struggles until God intervened! Between 1950-2004, Samuel with many others, interceded for God’s will to be fulfilled, from the Korean War to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and from the Six-Day War to the fall of the Soviet Union!

The book ‘Samuel Rees Howells: A Life of Intercession’ by Richard Maton, is now available from

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