Mid-East Bible Prophecy:Myanmar, Marriage, Repent? Part 3

Mid-East Bible Prophecy:Myanmar, Marriage, Repent? Part 3

Our weekly Middle East Bible Prophecy update. This week our teacher, for the first time ever, through the leading of God's Holy Spirit, leads JD to start with our weekly Mid-East Bible Prophecy Update &amp; take off on our look at our times our people and our culture. I had trouble even deciding what to name this latest video release, as you can see. From the floods in Burma / Myanmar China, to homo#%@#$ual marriage, to the court system usurping the will of the people, to the demonic &amp; satanic influences in and behind todays popular music, to school shootings &amp; demonic activity in our schools, to the rapture, to the tribulation, on to (hopefully for all of you who see this, before it is too late, if you have not done so already) repentance, and God's Salvation, in and through the substitutionary death and shedding of blood on the cross, of His Son Jesus the Christ and Messiah of Israel. He never made it to our regular verse by verse and chapter by chapter and book by book teaching through the Word of God, but we feel sure that you, like us, will be glad he did not, just this once. We pray you all will open your hearts and minds to God's Holy Spirit and hang on for the ride though this video release and even on to Jesus' soon return to catch us up in to meet Him in the air before the beginning of the great Tribulation and time of Jacob's trouble. <br />

As always, we talk about how the Bible says all these signs of the end times &amp; of the Messiah (Christ) Jesus' return (which we see today in our headlines every day) Are these prophecy coming true in our day? It was prophecied by God in the Bible almost 2,000 years ago. This is one (1) part of a seven (7) part video release. This teaching, along with all of JD's weekly Mid-East Bible Prophecy Updates, was originally presented &amp; recorded on Sunday morning before our regular Sunday chapter by chapter &amp; verse by verse Bible teaching. This one wa

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