Prophecy Sincere - Received August 23, 2009

Prophecy Sincere - Received August 23, 2009

Prophecy Sincere - Received August 23,2009

Too many are not sincere enough, they just go on like before. They do not realize the time and what they will soon encounter. Some just worship Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. They are not sincere, they just don't want to go to hell, that's all. There is no difference between them and the rest of the world. They look the same and do the same things. You must separate yourself from the things of this world and be blameless all the time, acceptable and pleasing to Me.

Come to Me with a sincere heart, humble yourself before Me. I know everything, nothing is hidden from Me. I even know your thoughts and the intentions of your heart. I know who is sincere. Do not be foolish, there is no time left, become sincere, if you are not.

People are dying without Me because they were not sincere about Me, they never sought to get to know Me for themselves. It is too late for many already. Now is the time to become sincere, time is running out. Do not take a chance.

Others have taken chances and did not realize life and death is in My hand. I know the intention of the heart, it was too late for them, they died before they had time to get sincere.

The one who comes to Me with a sincere heart I will not turn away, I will accept every one. Be sincere with yourself also, ask yourself: where do you want to spend eternity?

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