Burn Victim Sings Through Pain During Recovery

Burn Victim Sings Through Pain During Recovery

22-year-old Markeyla Williams had her life turned upside down after a harmless incident while hanging with friends. Markeyla’s mother had just put oil on her daughter’s hair when tragedy struck.

“I ran out to my car to grab a brush after my mom had put oil in my hair and was talking with my cousin outside of my home when I flipped a lighter and caught my hair on fire.” The fire quickly spread and Markeyla tried to put it out by rolling on the ground while her cousin used his bare hands to try and stop the flames.

She was flown by helicopter to the University of Alabama Hospital where Markeyla was treated for third degree burns on her head, shoulders and arms. The physical therapy that this young woman must endure causes her a lot of pain, so one of the tools she uses as a distraction is music.

Now, she’s realizing the healing power in music and just how big of an impact it can have on her life. Just watch as Markeyla sings along as one of the kind nurses plays the guitar in her hospital room.

This brave woman has put on a positive attitude all along the way and it’s definitely rubbing off on those around her. How incredible that Markeyla can still find the joy even in the midst of a very difficult situation. Even though she has a long road to recovery ahead of her, this young woman is determined to smile through the pain and sing her heart out.

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