‘Great Mystery’ Women Who Worship Live Performance

‘Great Mystery’ Women Who Worship Live Performance

Listen to “Great Mystery” performed by Women Who Worship. 

A group of talented female musicians performed a song about one of the most puzzling aspects of God.

Life, at times, can be a perplexing experience, providing many more questions than answers. Grueling and trying situations will often result in an endless lineup of questions with no answers. 

However, through everything, we can rest assured that God will never leave or forsake us, His Word states. The depth of his faithfulness, grace and love really are mysteries. 

In the song “Great Mystery,” Women Who Worship sing about God’s confounding and bewildering endless and unconditional love for us. Why does He love and care for us so much? Additionally, is there really any limit to His love? These are questions to which we may never ever learn the answer.

In the first verse of the beautiful song, the lyrics state that God loved all so much that he refused to let us remain in our sin and shame-covered state. His heart and love are so great that He passionately pursued us when we could have never come to Him.

As the second verse points out, God sent His one and only son to die for lost people. Jesus Christ, motivated by this mysterious and unending love, died on the cross, taking upon Himself the sin of all. 

The song’s chorus perfectly describes this awe-inspiring love. It’s a love so deep that no one can fully comprehend it. 

“How beautiful, how marvelous
Every day a new horizon
We see another piece
Unfolding in our hearts”

God’s love is wonderful, but at the same time baffling and wholly mystifying. He first pursued us and forgave and continues to forgive sins and transgressions. There is no one who has done or will do anything to deserve something so precious and perfect. 

What a great mystery, indeed!

1 John 3:1 “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not.”

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