Shannon Wexelberg - Joy To The World

Shannon Wexelberg - Joy To The World

This song is known as a Christmas carol, of course. But there are very few lines in this song that relate to Christmas. It's mostly a song about joy, and we should be joyful in the Lord all year long. If you take your mind out of the context of Christmas (and that's OK, bear with me), this is a song we can sing year-round. I see so many people out in the world who are *not* joyful, and do you know why? They don't know the Lord. They have nothing to be truly joyful about. Oh, yeah, they may be having a good time, but that is not true joy, it's an empty, hedonistic, self-centered joy. That's not the type of joy God wants for us. Anyway, this is a modernized version of "Joy To The World", originally written by Isaac Watts. Shannon added a new chorus. I typically don't like the modernization of traditional hymns, but I'll make an exception in this case. I've probably sung "Joy To The World" 1,000 times in church, and it's nice to have a new freshness.

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