A Cappella Choir Sings Nostalgic ‘Nutcracker’ Medley

A Cappella Choir Sings Nostalgic ‘Nutcracker’ Medley

A group of talented vocalists put their immense talents to work by creating a thoroughly enjoyable medley of familiar tunes from the beloved Nutcracker ballet.

The human voice is a unique and versatile instrument. Musicians can and do use it to create a wide range of interesting sounds and captivating tones. Not only is the human voice capable of producing a wide variety of sounds, but it is the original instrument and the only one created by God himself. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, one group of vocalists, Voctave, created a stunning medley of music from the Nutcracker ballet. But instead of playing any conventional instruments to produce the familiar sound, they only use their voices. 

To say their final product is outstanding would be a severe understatement. Performing a cappella is dangerous because no instruments are present to cover up mistakes or slip-ups. If someone were to sing a wrong note or miss one entirely, the audience would probably be able to pick up on that mistake rather easily.

But instead of mistakes, Voctave’s performance is simply amazing. They produce high-quality sounds that all are likely more than familiar with, even if they don’t realize it.

Additionally, the group’s transitions between songs are absolutely flawless. There is no lag or confusion between the vocalists. Their timing is perfect, with no one missing a beat or a note throughout the 2-minute and 46-second clip.

Several others who commented on the group’s YouTube video also expressed their love and admiration for their Christmas-themed performance.

“I have one criticism. This wasn’t long enough!! I was left wanting more! This will most certainly end up on my “must listen” to Christmas music,” one person wrote.

“Epic! Such great rhythmic precision and control,” a second individual added.

“Great as always. Such an amazing harmony,” someone else mentioned

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

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