
22-Year-Old Takes Lonely Widower On His First Date In 55 Years

May 25, 2017

22-Year-Old Takes Lonely Widower On His First Date In 55 Years

Lonely Widower's First Date In 55 Years

86-year-old Edwin Holmes spends much of his time alone. But he doesn't let it put a damper on his spirits. His friendly disposition stole the heart of a 22-year-old cashier at the grocery store he frequents. And when she learned Edwin was in terrible need of a friend, she offered to take him out on what would be the lonely widower's first date in 55 years! [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] After 45 years of marriage, Edwin's beloved wife went home to be with the Lord in 2006. The family he had left lived far away. Eventually, he had to leave the home and garden he loved to move into a retirement community. And as the years rolled by, Edwin found himself feeling quite lonely. RELATED: Little girl befriends a lonely widower at the grocery store It became part of his regular routine to visit Sainsbury's, a popular grocery store in Britain. That's where he got to know 22-year-old Ellie Walker, who works at the store as a cashier.

"He is without a shadow of a doubt my favorite customer," she said. "He is the cutest man and so chatty."

godupdates 22-year-old cashier and lonely widower's first date in 55 years 1 Credit: Sainsbury's Press Office

One day, the two were chatting. It was nearing Christmas and Ellie learned Edwin would be spending the holiday all alone, eating a frozen dinner. And it just didn't sit right with the kind-hearted girl.

"I thought if it was my granddad and he was alone I would want someone to talk to him," she explained.

And so, Ellie suggested that she and Edwin go out to dinner on Christmas Day. [/slide]

Lonely Widower's First Date

godupdates 22-year-old cashier and lonely widower's first date in 55 years fb Credit: Sainsbury’s Press Office Edwin was tickled pink at the suggestion. He pulled out a nice suit and even bought a bouquet of flowers for his "date." And when Ellie saw Edwin all dressed up, beaming from ear to ear, she couldn't help but tear up thinking about just how much this night meant to Edwin.
“He said it was his first ‘date’ in 55 years and he was as nervous as a schoolboy," she recalls fondly.
RELATED: Young woman befriends a lonely widow wandering the town The two had a splendid time. And for Edwin, it was a welcome break from spending his evenings alone.
"The dinner made me very happy as it was unexpected and I had very pleasant company," he said.
[rsnippet id="2" name="ArticleAd-300x250-3"] The best part about the evening was it was the start to a beautiful friendship. He and Ellie now meet for coffee on a regular basis. And both truly treasure the time they spend chatting. Never underestimate how powerful an act of kindness can be, no matter how small it seems. God may be using you to brighten another person's day in just the way they need it most! "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27 h/t: Daily Mail YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Lonely widower looks online for a new fishing partner after his dies godupdates lonely widower looking for a new fishing partner goes viral fb Credit: Gumtree

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