Tell It Like It Is

Tell It Like It Is

Tell It Like It Is a song I wrote after hearing on August 26, 2009, Oprah Winfrey say, “… no, tell it like it is you were raped!”

My father was a drug kingpin in New York. My mother was a drunk on the weekends and both were murdered by the gun.
This is the start of my incredible story. I was put into a foster home from the age of sixteen months to seventeen years old, where I was used and abused horribly. This abuse included child abuse filled with sexual, physical and emotional trauma.
After watching the Oprah Show on August 26, 2009 that TV Show changed my life and motivated me to become a better songwriter and recording artist. Here is the story of how that TV show changed everything:
Featured that day, was an NFL Football Player who admitted to Oprah…that he was molested as a child, and Oprah said, “…No, tell it like it is you were raped!”
Three months later, I heard a Missionary Pastor speak all about Human Trafficking. In 15 minutes my song!

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