Eileen Berry singing "The Wretch Called Me"

Eileen Berry singing 'The Wretch Called Me'

This is a continuation of Eileen Berry's performance at Upper Room, singing "The Wretch Called Me." This original song was written when she first was saved and was inspired by the hymn "Amazing Grace." Eileen is currently looking for sponsers interested in helping promote her music. If interested, please send me (ajdudarino) a message through godtube and I will get back to you. ENJOY this inspirational original song by a very talented young woman of God. (BECAUSE OF THE POOR AUDIO QUALITY, THE FOLLOWING IS A TRANSCRIPT OF WHAT EILEEN SAID/SANG)

Eileen: "I just want to thank you all for having me here... Praise the Lord. I'm gonna sing one other song I wrote for you; it's called 'The Wretch Called Me.' It was inspired by 'Amazing Grace.' I wrote it right after I asked the Lord into my heart when I was 16; so, I pray you will be blessed by it."
(Words to Song)
I was full of myself, I cared about no one else. Hate and bitterness are my guide. Love and joy are dead to me, but this is not what I want to be. I am just trying to find the answer to my question: why?
And through it all, he loved me, after all I used to be, as I watched him die on a cross for you and me. I knelt by his side and screamed, "God what have I done?" I was blind and I still cant see how could you love a wretch called me?
The wretch called me...
I was the one who would hold out my hand for someone and let them fall. I was the one who laughed in the face of people and death. I was the one, when you said that you loved me, I cursed your name. and I was the one that didn't wanna feel cared for; no one ever did anyway before. I was the one, I was the one.
I was the one who put the nails in his hands. I was the one who put the thorns on his head. I was the one who gave you vinegar instead of water. I was the one who didn't want grace and tried to make you look like a disgrace.
How could you love a wretch called me?

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