
Simon May Not Be a Fan of Siegfried & Joy but the Best 'Worst Magicians' Have All Else Laughing

July 22, 2022

Simon May Not Be a Fan of Siegfried & Joy but the Best 'Worst Magicians' Have All Else Laughing

Siegfried & Joy, the best 'worst magicians', may not have won Simon over, but their unique America's Got Talent audition certainly had everyone else cracking up!

Meet Siegfried and Joy. Their act’s name is clearly a shout-out to, or perhaps a spoof of, the once wildly popular magicians Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn, better known as Siegfried and Roy.

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Like Siegfried and Roy, Siegfried & Joy are German-born, and they begin their performance with the words “Welcome to Las Vegas,” which is where Siegfried and Roy, both now deceased, performed their show for over 13 years in The Mirage Resort and Casino. 

While the similarities seem significant, they are quite minor. Siegfried and Roy were bonafide and brilliant magicians, serious about their craft. But Siegfried & Joy not so much! The two performers coming before the AGT panel of judges in this video are far more comedians than magicians, much more wacky than mysterious!

Check the two out as they “annoy” Simon while winning over the others with their silly, but very creative act! 

Best 'Worst Magicians' Audition For AGT

Dressed in shiny, brown animal print jackets and black shirts, Siegfried and Joy wear silver, glittery “S” and “J” belt buckles. Joy’s is a little crooked, which is appropriate, because their act is a little off center, too! Joy tells Simon that they are the “new superstars of magic.” But, something tells us this might not be the case!

Their first trick is levitation, which looks to be legitimate until Joy “accidentally” pulls the gold drape off of Siegfried and reveals that he’s using one leg to hold his body up and con the audience. There is a bogus disappearing act and a “vorhersage” tunnel trick. This one is clearly just for Heidi, who is also German. “Vorhersage” is a German word meaning “forecast” or “prediction.” So, the judges are asked to guess what type of fruit is inside the tunnel. 

RELATED: Magician Wows The Judges With His Miraculous Audition

Though the trick is mostly a sham, the performance of the poorly executed illusion is endearing to both the audience and the three more charitable judges on the panel. That concludes the official performance. But the routine continues as the judges deliberate, and this may be the funniest part! 

Siegfried & Joy Win Over All But Simon

They gift Heidi with a packaged strawberry, which she catches beautifully even with her freakishly long nails. As Howie expresses his delight that the show is getting to see comedy in the current season, Joy begins brushing his long, black hair. It’s just zany! We get shooting snot and tear blasts, and, in the end, Simon’s confusion over the whole thing is meaningless when Sofia gives the third yes!      

Siegfried and Joy are poking fun at magic and themselves, offering up a slapstick act where buffoonery rather than mystery is the real treat! 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 25-Year-Old Quick-Change Artist Wows On AGT With A Performance That’s Simply Mind-Blowing

“Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” Proverbs 15:30

WATCH: Siegfried & Joy Audition For AGT As Best 'Worst Magicians'

h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

Hally is a freelance writer, blogger, and mental health advocate. A former school counselor, Hally works for a nonprofit that distributes tax dollars to mental health and prevention education providers that serve her county's kids and families. She's a contributor to a devotional and two essay collectives, and she shares resources and wisdom regarding parenting teens, mental health, faith, adoption, and more at http://www.hallyjwells.com where she strives to "Dig Deep and Reach High." She and her husband have three adult children and one rascally beagle pup. Hally loves travel, her book club sisters, personality tests, and a great glass of iced tea.


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