
Rejoice Along With Phil Wickham As He Performs 'Joy To The World' Live From The Chosen

December 20, 2023

Rejoice Along With Phil Wickham As He Performs 'Joy To The World' Live From The Chosen

Sing along as Phil Wickham performs 'Joy To The World' live from The Chosen. This is Phil's modern-day version of the song, and joining him are fellow Christian artists Jordan Feliz, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Maverick City, and The Bonner Family. What an awesome way to celebrate the true reason for the season!

Several passages throughout the Old Testament foretold the birth of Jesus Christ. He was to come to save the people from their sins, forever changing the trajectory and direction of the world. Many were anxiously looking forward to that moment of the Savior’s birth, hoping to see the One sent by God to change everything. 

RELATED:  3 Phil Wickham Christmas Songs to Get Your Soul Rejoicing Plus His Advice on Keeping Hope Alive

So, on that most holy night, when Jesus Christ was born in a stable surrounded by barnyard animals, many were more than a little excited. The Savior, who would save men from their sins, had finally arrived! No other song expresses the joy many had to have felt that evening following the baby boy’s arrival quite like “Joy to World.”

In a clip posted on YouTube, Phil Wickham and a few of his closest friends come together for an inspiring, upbeat and joy-filled performance to sing about that moment that changed everything for all. Christ has arrived and they will shout the good news for all to hear!

'Joy To The World' Live From The Chosen

The performance begins with Phil leading with the standard start to the popular Christmas song 'Joy To The World' live.

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come

Let Earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing”

RELATED: Joy to the World - Lyrics, Hymn Meaning and Story

However, this is not the 'Joy To The World' original. It's Phil's 'Joyful, Joyful' version performed as a special musical collaboration with the popular show, The Chosen. And what an uplifting version this is!

Christmas is a season full of happiness and joy for this reason alone: Jesus Christ, the Savior, has arrived. Many people gather with friends and family and participate in annual traditions and activities. But all the presents, food, movies and Christmas songs ring hollow if those celebrations are not ultimately about Christ’s birth in that Bethlehem stable all those years ago. 

No other birth has meant so much to the entire world, and no other birth ever will. 

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Joy to the world, indeed!

Matthew 1:23 “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

WATCH: Phil Wickham Performs His Own Version Of 'Joy To The World' Live

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/Phil Wickham


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