
Girl Born Without A Face Surprised Doctors And Defied Internet Trolls

October 05, 2016

Girl Born Without A Face Surprised Doctors And Defied Internet Trolls

Juliana Wetmore had a rocky start coming into this world. Her mom Tami had a rough delivery and didn't get see Juliana right away. So Thom Wetmore took a picture of their infant daughter to prepare his wife for Juliana's shocking appearance.

"Where is she? Where's her face?" whispered Tami.

Juliana Wetmore was born missing nearly 40% of the bones in her face. She has a genetic condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. And this rare disease affects the bone formed in the head and can cause breathing, hearing, and eating problems.

juliana wetmore baby credit: viralportal.net

Parents' Response To Internet Bullies And Other Strangers

Juliana's parents quickly decided that their daughter was born different for a reason. But sadly, not everyone was as understanding of her condition.

One internet bully went so far as to say that Juliana "should have been euthanized." Her doctors and family chalk that comment up to ignorance. They know that Juliana has a special purpose in this world to teach others not to judge a book by its cover.

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Since then, so many kind-hearted strangers sent the family emails and cards of support. Parents shared that they used Juliana's story to teach their own children that it's what's on the inside that makes you beautiful.

"This story is so much bigger than us or Juliana," said Thom.

Juliana Wetmore Today

Now 13 years old, Juliana has already had 45 surgeries and will still need more. She's a very smart and artistic child who happily signs with her friends at school. While at home, she gets lots of love from big sister Kendra who regularly tells Juliana how much she loves her.

kendra wetmore credit: viralportal.net

Family Extends Their Love Beyond Borders

Juliana also has a very special sister, Danica. Danica was living in an orphanage in the Ukraine when Thom and Tami found her. Because they had the love and experience to help Danica, they spent two years going through the adoption process to make her part of their family! They've since adopted two more children to shower with their love.

juliana wetmore family credit: viralportal.net

Danica and Juliana are lucky to have such a loving family and a special sister who understands their unique challenges. And most of all, they're blessed to have such faith!

"God never gives you more than you can handle. You have to choose to handle it." said Thom.

WATCH: Juliana Wetmore's Story

credit: USAtoday

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