
Donny Osmond Sees the 'End of the Tunnel' Coming After Performing for Over 6 Decades

October 31, 2024

Donny Osmond Sees the 'End of the Tunnel' Coming After Performing for Over 6 Decades

Actor and musician Donny Osmond admits that after more than six decades of performing, he can see the “end of the tunnel.” When that time does eventually come, it will mark the end of an illustrious and storied career. However, he adds that he believes he’s not yet reached the point in his career and life where he is ready to stop entertaining audiences.

Sadly, nothing in life lasts forever. Everything on Earth has an expiration date, including people. Aging is a process that happens to everyone, no matter how much we might fight and despise it. Time has an undefeated record, and its record appears to remain unblemished for the foreseeable future.

RELATED: Touching Moment Emotions Overcame Donny Osmond in Las Vegas at Brother's Final Concert

Those who routinely appear on the big and small screen and those who demonstrate their musical abilities on stage for audiences are prone to aging. They physically won’t be able to entertain forever. Like everyone else, eventually, they reach a point in their career when they must hang it up. Donny Osmond knows that time is coming in his career.

In an interview with Desert News, Donny reflected on his career, which has spanned over 60 years, including his Las Vegas residency. The topic of possible retirement came up in the interview, and Donny had a sensible and understandable answer. He knows precisely when it is time for him to stop going out on stage.

“I have set a certain standard for my shows,” Donny said. “I do a show that’s full of production because that’s what I was raised with, that’s the type of show I like to put on. ... As soon as the day comes where I can’t give 100% like I give every night, that curtain’s not going to go back up. I never want to be the entertainer where you go out on stage and you hear people say, ‘Oh, it’s time to give it up.’ I never want that to happen.’”

He also added that he believes that point is “nowhere near right now” but that “I see the end of the tunnel.”

He also mentioned that his faith and 46-year marriage to his wife, Debbie, have been crucial to his life. An entertainment career often has many ups and downs, which Donny has experienced.

“What’s really helped me is the teachings from my parents and my faith — that has kept my feet on the ground,” Donny said. “It helps to have parents that were madly in love with each other, and my dad treated my mom with utmost respect. So that’s a great example, a teaching tool for a child.”

Also, Donny cites Elvis Presley as teaching him about humility as a young entertainer.

According to the Desert News, Donny, a teenager then, and his brothers were about to take the stage in Las Vegas. Minutes before the show, Elvis enters their dressing room and says, “Hi everybody, I’m Elvis Presley.”

Elvis’ unexpected introduction came at the height of his fame.

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“It was a lesson to me at 14 years old that, yes, you can be a rock star on stage and put on a pedestal, but when the curtain closes, you put the pants on with one leg at a time, just like everybody else,” Donny said.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11

WATCH: Donny Osmond - One Bad Apple (April 6, 2023 - Harrah's Theater, Las Vegas, NV)

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h/t: Desert News

Photo Credit: YouTube/Remember Me - FrednSF Creations - Magic of Music


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