
Government Ordered Church To Take Down Pro-Life Signs

May 13, 2015

Government Ordered Church To Take Down Pro-Life Signs

God is bigger!

The Valley Church of Christ was on the hot-seat just recently in a heated debate over the church's sign in their front yard. Government Officials stepped in and said their sign has got to go! But with the legal help of The Rutherford Institute, their days are looking brighter!

On April 20, 2015 the church leaders of Valley Church of Christ received notification that their church sign would have to be taken down based on an ordinance governing banners.

One of the church banners displayed a quote from Mother Teresa regarding the value of life:

“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish,”

Along with a picture of a fetus.

While the second banner quoted Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

The church was given just 10 days to comply with the ordinance or face a serious penalty ($2,500) and/or time in jail!

But once The Rutherford Institute intervened, everything seemed to simmer down. The church's legal team argued that “Under the First Amendment, the government has no authority to pick and choose what type of speech it approves.”

The city officials all backed down claiming, “The city’s intent was not to regulate the content of the sign, simply to ensure the structure and material of the sign met the requirements of the ordinance.”

The sign still stands today!

Praise God! And thank you, The Rutherford Institute for protecting the church and its rights. 

For another interesting story, click here!

HT The Blaze

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images


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