Tim Hawkins Hysterical Response to Fan's Question About Reading The Bible

Christian comedian Tim Hawkins had a hysterical response to a fan’s question about how much and how often he reads the Bible.

Christians understand that developing and maintaining a relationship with God, the Creator of the universe, requires work on our part, just like any other relationship. Like every other relationship in life, communication is an essential aspect of having a personal relationship with the Lord. That, of course, is achieved through daily and earnest prayer.

Another critical part of having a relationship with God is digging into the Bible. What better way to learn about Him than to read God’s Word? That holy text is essentially a blueprint and a guidebook for life, providing answers, examples and commands for every situation we encounter in this life.

In a clip posted on social media, Tim says that he often gets some weird questions when he’s out on the road. One happened when a woman asked him how frequently he reads his Bible.

“This lady asked me this the other day, ‘Do you read your Bible every day?’” Tim said.

Well, Tim provided an answer, but in the most hilarious way possible.

“No, I read your Bible every day,” he said. “I sneak in your house when you’re not there, and I do devotions, and I highlight verses that don’t make any sense.”

He then went on to create a scenario of that woman going to and opening her Bible only to discover that a random verse was highlighted, leading to much confusion.

“You’re like, ‘Why did I highlight, ‘Don’t cook a goat in its own milk?’ What is that? Is that supposed to mean something to me? Maybe I need to pay better attention.’”

In this short but hilarious clip, Tim again shows why he continues to be so successful and popular!

Proverbs 17:22 “A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.”

Source: timhawkinscomic

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