Jeff Foxworthy Hilariously Explains How the Elderly Are Crazier Than Teenagers

Jeff Foxworthy hilariously explains how the elderly are crazier than teenagers. The legendary comedian believes that people of an advanced age tend to be wilder and more out of control than teenagers. Watch the short but hysterical clip as Jeff explains why he feels this way.

Teenagers are generally thought of as something to fear. There seems to be this accepted belief that all sweet, lovable and considerate 12-year-olds will instantly and dramatically change when they reach their 13th birthday. When those children reach their teen years, it’s time to watch out and brace yourselves!

Of course, that is not always correct. Sure, sometimes children get a bit wilder and more challenging to discipline in their teens as they try to exert more control over their lives and become more independent. However, as every parent knows, that is not the case with every teenager.

In a short clip posted on YouTube, Jeff mentions why he believes it’s not teenagers that we must watch out for out-of-control, incorrigible behavior. Instead, he thinks older people are actually the crazy ones, doing whatever and whenever they please. He also provides a hilarious example for why he has come to this conclusion.

“We got our kids grown, got them out of the house,” he said. “We had a quick snack. Now, we’re raising our parents. I swear they passed each other in the driveway. Let me tell you something, I thought teenagers were crazy. Teenagers are a piece of cake compared to old people. They’re nuts!”

Later in the clip, Jeff explains his embarrassing and laugh-out-loud experience with his father-in-law.

“I was getting my car serviced a while back, and they called to say it was ready,” he said. “I called my father-in-law and said, ‘Hey, can you give me a ride to the car dealership?’ On the way to the dealership, he needed to stop for gas. I learned on that little stop that it is possible to wash your entire car with the squeegee from the gas station.”

When Jeff noticed what was going on, he had one reaction.

“I sat there until the guy at the next pump started videoing it,” he said. “Then, I slid down on the floorboard ‘cause I didn’t want to get tagged on Instagram.”

Psalm 71:9 “Do not give me up when I am old; be my help even when my strength is gone.”

Source: comedy.corner

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