Tim Hawkins Delivers Hilarious and Honest Take on His Wife's Driving Skills

Comedian Tim Hawkins delivered a hilarious and honest take on his wife’s driving skills.

Everyone has been blessed with different skills and gifts. The Lord determines who gets what abilities. Additionally, He selects if someone is skilled in many areas or just one or two. He has His reasoning for why He gives what to whom.

However, regardless of the skill or the ability, they are to be used in a way to bring glory and honor to His name. He doesn’t give someone a natural talent for something and expects them not to use it. How does that benefit anyone? At that point, it’s completely worthless. 

While everyone has particular areas in which they have a natural talent, there are others in which they will struggle. Some may struggle with public speaking or working with their hands, while others aren’t the best drivers.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Tim explains that his wife is not the world’s greatest driver. However, he admits driving is the only thing he has on his wife. But anything can happen when she gets behind the wheel, he explains. He also hysterically demonstrates how he always prepares for the worst when getting in the car with her.

“I love it when she’s behind the wheel; you never know what’s going to happen,” Tim says. “And when she’s behind the wheel, I’m like, ‘Hold on, honey. Hold real quick.’”

He then shows the lengthy process he goes through to ensure he is safe and secure before she starts the car and heads toward their destination. He hysterically puts three or four seat belts across his body, a helmet on his head and even inserts a mouthguard to protect his teeth.

As Tim prepares for a ride where anything and everything could happen, the audience roars with laughter.

We all know someone who isn’t the best driver in the world and sadly, that person for Tim is his wife.

Proverbs 17:22 “A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.”


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A Prayer for God to Ease My Heartache - Your Daily Prayer - September 8

Heartache can make us feel lonely as if no one cares or understands what we’re going through. Those negative thoughts mislead us into thinking God isn’t there, and we are left to struggle alone. But the soul-satisfying truth is that God wants to see us whole. He is a God who heals, comforts, and restores our brokenness.

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