Ring Bearer Hilariously Tosses The Pillow Down Aisle

Ring Bearer Hilariously Tosses The Pillow Down Aisle

As this precious clip begins, we see an adorable young boy with a smile on his face walking with the wedding ring on a pillow. He starts out confidently as the Wedding March plays. As he goes down the red carpet in the church, all of the people are watching him and admiring his cute moment. 

Everything appears to be going really well when the boy hits the middle of the carpet and begins to detour. 

The young child sees someone in the audience and tries to throw the pillow to her. She passes the pillow back and then it becomes a game for him. He suddenly tosses the pillow up into the air two more times and drops it on the floor. 

People begin to laugh in the audience as the family member behind the camera goes up to guide him down the rest of the aisle. The boy gets to the woman at the front and she says in a happy voice, “Where are the rings?” as he approaches the groom to finish his job proudly.

This unique clip captures a moment of the unexpected. It reminds us how often we are like this little boy. We have a task and a mission, but we easily get sidetracked, and then God our Father has to come help redirect us onto the right path. 

We laugh at this video clip, but spiritually speaking, we are the ringbearer. Sometimes we miss the mark and we fail, but the Holy Spirit helps guide us back onto the narrow path of the Lord.

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23-24

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