Little Girl Insisted She Wasn't Tired—Falls Asleep in the Most Unexpected Location

One little girl insisted she wasn’t tired but soon after fell asleep in the most unexpected, hilarious location. The child, despite her saying otherwise, was apparently exhausted. The youngster was so tired that she couldn’t even make it to her bed. Watch the video to see the most unusual spot where she decided to catch some shuteye.

Parents know and understand their children exceptionally well. Most parents can easily spot the signs when their youngster is hungry, upset or simply needs a nap. When these signs first become evident, parents often take the initiative to address their child’s needs. They’ll give their child a snack or try to lay them down for a much-needed nap.

However, as every parent knows, getting a child to go down for a nap is easier said than done. For whatever reason, children do not want to sleep during the day. Some will even argue and throw tantrums when the idea of a possible nap is even suggested.

A short but hysterical clip posted on social media captured what happened after a mother suggested a nap to her daughter. The daughter informed her mother that she did not need a nap because she wasn’t tired.

“Stella skipped her nap today because she said she wasn’t tired,” the mother told the camera.

However, Mom says that soon after, the youngster was nowhere to be found.

“And then we, like, were looking for her,” the mother said. “Like, ‘Stella, where are you?’”

Mom then walks down a flight of stairs to reveal where the youngster had fallen asleep. She was completely out of it, asleep on one of the larger steps. There could have been an 

earthquake, and the child probably would have slept through it. That is how deeply asleep the child, who said she wasn’t tired, was in the video.

Proverbs 22:6 “If a child is trained up in the right way, even when he is old, he will not be turned away from it.”

Source: lobeeston/video

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