Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

"Who do you say that I am?" Jesus asked his disciples that question halfway through his public ministry after the polls showed a dismal answer from the public. Jesus was "running for Messiah," but few Israelites recognized that. Jesus is now asking that same question to each human on the planet.

JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated to helping you understand the Word of God by providing accurate, sensible, inspiring, and entertaining biblical teaching so as to make known the Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Truth, and thus facilitate a worldwide community of mature Christians committed to following him by living the truth of God's Word and sharing it with others.

If you've got questions, God's got the answers! Have a listen, you'll be blessed you did!

If the teachings you find here bless you and help you in your Christian walk, please consider sowing into The Living Truth Fellowship financially in response to a blessing. You can do so at: http://www.thelivingtruthfellowship.o... Thank you and God bless you!

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