Her Many Hats

Her Many Hats

Emma Danzey

Episode 23: Finding a Mentor (with Bethany Beal from Girl Defined)

March 16, 2022   ●   33 min

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Last week we heard from Bethany’s amazing sister Kristen on how she felt led to help start Girl Defined. This week, Bethany and Emma talk about Girl Defined and what their ministry offers to women and girls around the world.

Topics we cover:

1. Why is mentorship so important for Christian women today?

2. Who was a mentor in your life who impacted you in a specific way? What did that relationship look like?

3. How have you worn the hat of mentor and invested in younger women and what are some practical tips to others who are pouring into the next generation?

4. What would you say to someone who wants to find a mentor but doesn’t know how?

5. What would you say to someone who wants to be a mentor but doesn’t know how to get started?

Follow Bethany:

Website: https://girldefined.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girldefined/ and https://www.instagram.com/singlegirlmeditations/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/girldefined

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/girldefined

Newest Book: Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the Twists and Turns of Your Story: https://www.amazon.com/Not-Part-Plan-Trusting-Twists/dp/0801094720/

Follow Emma: https://emmadanzey.wordpress.com/

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