King of the Sunrise

September 24, 2017


King of the Sunrise


Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens proclaim the glory of God (v.1).

One morning before getting out of bed, I heard a radio announcer commenting on something other than news headlines and traffic backups. She was describing the sunrise, saying it was incredible and even camera-worthy. Sure enough, a glance out the window revealed an exquisite array of colors and light. Low lavender clouds embedded in a pale yellow sky grazed rooftops in the distance. To the north, fire-colored clouds hovered against a deep, turquoise backdrop.

As the sunrise melted away, I thought of what David wrote: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. . . . They speak without a sound or word” (Psalm 19:1,3). To people who don’t know God, the sky and all it contains shouts, “Yes, God exists!”

This message is available to everyone who lives on earth. The clouds and sun harmonize to send their wordless confirmation of God “throughout the earth” (v.4). To those on the other side of the planet, the stars and moon say the same thing. There’s never a time when the sky doesn’t testify to God in our world. Dark or light, it’s always there. “Day after day [the heavens] continue to speak; night after night they make [God] known” (v.2).

Why does God reveal Himself in such a continual, powerful way to human beings? The answer is simple. He wants a restored relationship with those He’s created. He wants “everyone to be saved and to understand the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). God’s truth extends beyond His existence. It includes His plan of redemption through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus. It also includes all the aspects of His character, which is more amazing and beautiful than the most fabulous sunrise ever seen.  —Jennifer Schuldt


Read Psalm 8:3-6 and consider why the psalmist was in awe that God would reveal Himself to human beings. Read Romans 1:20 to see how God reveals Himself through creation.


How are you declaring the glory of God in your life? Which of God’s invisible qualities are most obvious to you when you observe the natural world?

Big Daddy Weave - Redeemed (Official Music Video) from big-daddy-weave on GodTube.


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