"Not my story"

"Child," said the Voice, "I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own."

That quote, from C. S. Lewis' A Horse and His Boy, continues the allegorical tales of Narnia through the eyes of a young boy named Shasta. Facing adventure and hardship, he appears at first to be a wanderer with no history or future. But great destiny lies within him. To find his purpose, though, he must learn to trust the One who has known his story from the beginning. He must also accept that certain events are not his to know.

Peter faced the same dilemma. In one of several appearances following His resurrection, Jesus spoke to the places in Peter that needed to be rock solid. The core of Peter's identity had to be based in a committed love for Christ. Not a love that talked about action (Matthew 26:35; John 13:36-38), but a love willing to pay the price. Jesus then prophesied of Peter's eventual martyrdom.

Peter's response was a familiar one. Referring to John, he asked, "What about him, Lord?" (John 21:21). Bringing Peter back to the heart of the issue, Jesus reminded him, "As for you, follow Me" (v.22). The only story Peter needed to know was his own. The temptation to base our obedience on what we see in another's story is real, but some things are not for us to know. Never intending to deny Christ, Peter allowed the things he did not understand to dictate his actions. His life held promise of great destiny, but in order to live it, he had to learn to trust and obey even when he didn't understand.

God is big enough to handle our questions, but do we trust Him enough to obey even when He simply answers, "Follow Me"? , Regina Franklin, Our Daily Journey

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