When God Ignores

Habakkuk 1:1-4
How long, O Lord, must
I call for help? But You
do not listen! (v.2).

Michael felt as if his prayers were simply bouncing
off the ceiling. He couldn’t understand God’s
silence. Day after day he pleaded with Him to
deal with the injustice in his workplace. But evil persisted,
and God seemed absent. Can you identify with Michael?
Habakkuk could. He lived during the final dark days
of Judah—just before the captivity of her people. There
was unrestrained wickedness and violence throughout
the land—and he couldn’t harmonize the prevalence
of evil with the concept of God being good, just, and
sovereign. The prophet cried out, “How long, O Lord,
must I call for help? But You do not listen!” (1:2).

Habakkuk was disturbed with God’s seeming
indifference. “How long?” suggests to us that Habakkuk
had brought his petitions to God over a long period of
time. But God seemed to be ignoring him.
When violence and corruption abound and evil
appears to rule, we may also wonder whether God
really cares or if He is really in control. Habakkuk’s
honest dialogue with God helps us understand that we
can come to God in prayer with our difficult questions.
Habakkuk had been doubting. But he turned to God
in the midst of his confusion and sought God’s wisdom
and counsel. This is what God calls each of us to do
when we’re confused or when we’re wrestling with
tough questions. In fact, honest questions reflect a better
relationship with God than superficial, outward, religious behavior.

The result of Habakkuk’s search is astounding. The prophet we meet at the
end of the book is not the same one we find at the beginning. He starts with
questions, and he ends with praise (3:17-19). His struggle produced spiritual
growth. So will your struggles when you seek God’s face in complete honesty
and truth. —Poh Fang Chia

As for me, I will sing
about Your power. Each
morning I will sing with
joy about Your unfailing
love. For You have been
my refuge, a place of
safety when I am in
distress (Psalm 59:16).

What are some doubts
you need to take to God?
What happens when we
deny the struggles we’re
facing and don’t bring
them to Him?

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