"Your role is needed"

One of my daughter's high school teachers appeared in the 1986 movie Hoosiers. The film is based on the true story of a small-town high school basketball team in the US and their improbable run to the Indiana state championship. He didn't have a big role. He had no lines. His name doesn't even appear in the credits. He was simply one of hundreds of cheering "extras" in the stands. Today he jokingly says that his moment on the big screen is so brief that hitting the pause button is the only way to spot him.

I've run across a lot of Christians who tend to hold a similar view about their own role in God's story. They may believe God has a plan for their life (Jeremiah 29:11) and that they have some kind of a role. But, at best, they see themselves as just "extras."

Sadly, the experiences of life have led too many people to think that they have a marginal and trivial role to play. But that's not how God sees it! While talking about the different spiritual gifts and services the body of Christ offers, the apostle Paul said, "Some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary" (1 Corinthians 12:22).

Regardless of our nationality or social standing, every single follower of Jesus plays a necessary role in advancing God's kingdom. Whether the effect is far-reaching or only touches a few, there are no inconsequential or "bit" parts in God's service. Every part is essential.

At this time of the year, when we celebrate Jesus becoming human and living among us (John 1:14), don't forget your role in His ongoing story. Renew your commitment to discover and play your part today. What you have to offer is unique and is much needed! , Jeff Olson, Our Daily Journey

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