Kind Cat Comforts Crying Baby - Cute Videos


Imagine a sweet, kind cat comforting a crying baby, and check out this quick video of one very out-of-the-ordinary house cat!

Sometimes, cats get a bad reputation for being indifferent, aloof, and bored with us humans; but this video shows us the other side of our feline friends. This tender moment showcases the cat’s warm, nurturing side, and it’s precious.

Even a loving parent can sometimes have their patience worn thin when a baby’s cry continues for very long. And typically, we’d expect that baby behavior to cause an average tabby cat to roll its mysterious eyes as it saunters off without so much as a parting glance. Science even supports this claim!  

But, this cat is different! Watch as this kitty enters the baby’s space, prancing across the blanket and a blanket of toys to check on the infant, who is probably between 9 and 12 months of age. The adorable auburn-haired baby, clad in a black-and-white checked onesie, is inconsolable—worked into a real dither! But, the feline friend seems genuinely concerned!

First, it stretches up to the baby’s sweet, but wet face as if to give a little kiss, but the tyke has no interest in that. The child pulls away. 

The kitten then walks around the baby and tries to pat the baby’s soft back amid hands thrown in the air. This goes unappreciated. Next, the mouser returns to the right side of the little one to offer a snuggle, but it gets pushed away by a tiny hand. 

In a final attempt, the kind cat stretches out next to the baby’s puffy leg. It “kisses” a knee and rests its furry paw on the baby’s thigh. And, just like that, the screaming baby calms. It’s a sweet connection made between kid and kitten, and it may be the beginning of a great friendship!      

“Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.” 2 Corinthians 2:7

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