Let Him Reign

Let Him Reign

Let Him reign

Story Behind the Song

I wrote it in response to where our country is and what we have come through with the elections.
We must be good stewards of our democracy and respectful of the right to vote and take part in our elections. However, we must also recognize that who it is that controls the affairs of men.

With that, I submit to the One who reigns no matter the political season or who it is that resides in the White House.

There is also something very powerful about a people who humbly submit to God. May God bless our country. May He respond with His loving hand upon this land. This people.

In the book of Nehemiah, the scattered and lost people of God return. They gather together, open His word, and seek His leading. With weeping they are reminded by Nehemiah, that the Joy of the Lord will be our strength. In Isaiah, we are told that the government will rest upon His shoulders—this mighty counselor, this mighty God, this Prince of Peace. 2 Chronicles tells us that if we—God’s people, will humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face, that He will hear from heaven and heal our land.

Praise His holy name, and let His glory reign.

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