The Power of Words Revealed: Part 10

The Power of Words Revealed: Part 10

Now we're going to conclude today's series. So this will be the last teaching in this series.

But don't worry because the mission of is to preach the uncompromised word of God. So you can know that you're going to hear the doctrine of believe the word, speak the word, and manifest the promise. But let's go into our teaching today and we're going to talk about Genesis chapter 1 verse 3. Now we've heard this text so many times throughout the series. But sometimes we kind of become numb to something we hear all the time and we lose the revelation of it. But if you look in Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 it says and god said let there be light and there was light. You see God did not look out upon the darkness and say oh wow is it so dark out there i'll never see light. He said let there be light and there was light. So point number one is that you need to:

1) Speak What You Want in Life

And then if we look at proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 it says death and life ironed a power to tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. See everything that you have in your life began with something you spoke. You said i'd like to go to college and then you went to college, you said i'd like to work for this certain company and then you worked for that company, you said i'd like to get married and then you got married. So everything we have in life, it comes first with something that we speak from our mouth. So point number two is:

2) Speak God's Will for Your Life

Remember to share this podcast with others. We want to take them on the same Faith Journey.

We never like to close our program without giving you the opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Say, Lord Jesus I repent of my sins, come into my heart, I make you my Savior and Lord. Friends, if you prayed that prayer, I believe you got Born Again. Keep God first place in your life. I believe He’s going to take you further than you ever dreamed.
I hope you believed on Jesus today! Remember to Believe the Word, Speak the Word and Manifest the Promise. This is Robert Welsh for I will see you on the next podcast. Blessings!

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