THRIVER: Don't Just Survive! - Promo

INNERSTATE180.COM - We made it! Eight youth and three leaders had a six-day survival experience they will never forget, and neither will you.

This series looked at the impact others have on our lives and the impact we can have on them. The popular reality TV series Survivor puts ordinary people in a survival challenge that focuses on exploiting others to win a prize. We believe that the purpose of our lives isn't survival, but to thrive in Christ. Watch the entire series to see some amazing survival footage and personal growth! (The song is "Already Over" by Red...)

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When You Need to Welcome a Difficult Person - Your Daily Prayer - January 12

To welcome people, as Jesus does, is to reach out to the people we would rather not associate with – the people who don’t belong to our friend group or our inner circle. Do you find this easy or hard to do?

Read Today's Devotional