A Prayer to Find Strength during Major Life Transitions - Your Daily Prayer - October 30

October 30, 2024

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A Prayer to Find Strength during Major Life Transitions
By Tiffany Thibault

Bible Reading
“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” - Deuteronomy 31:8

As little children, we dream of the future that we want to have as adults. It seems exciting and full of so many possibilities! As the years pass us by, we will spend countless hours planning and pursuing those dreams, showing up in our lives time and time again, working to make those dreams come true. However, regardless of how well we plan and execute the things that we need to do, we are often sidetracked or derailed by the twists and turns that living this life brings. 

Sometimes our current reality looks far different from the dreams we once had. Life brings change upon us, whether expected or not; it can leave us breathless, exhausted, overwhelmed, and, at times, fearful of taking that next step. Many of us have experienced, or have mourned with others, the dark season of the death of a loved one. Many have had to choose to move or are forced to move houses, change jobs, or care for elderly parents. Many have children growing up and moving out, and many experience health issues or struggle with job loss and financial insecurity. 

Recently I have journeyed through a difficult season of both sorrow and joy. Situations came hurling at me from all directions. Life has been just so hard the past two years through the unexpected death of my nephew, going back to work after 17 years of staying at home, the loss of our family dog, the joy of graduating my youngest from high school, the death of my 24-year marriage, and the start of a new season as a single woman. 

We get to choose some life transitions, and seeing them unfold can be exhilarating. However, other situations and changes are thrust upon us in harshness, leaving us with aching hearts. Transitions, even the ones that are exciting, mean that things are changing, and change, even if good, can still be challenging at times for us to find our way on a new path.

Regardless of what you are currently journeying through, you can remind yourself of the promises from our Bible verse today. With every step and every new path you walk, it is the Lord who goes before you. No matter how good or hard the situation is, He will be with you. In the dark moments of fear and despair, He has not forgotten you. In each and every struggle you walk through, you can find comfort in the words that He will not leave you or forsake you. 

As you face the things that are before you today, keep your eyes on Jesus. You do not need to fear or be dismayed. God has a plan for you. The things that He has planned for your future are excellent. Nothing you are going through right now is beyond the reach of God’s grace and mercy. Take comfort in the thought that He will get you through every single part of the hard places and moments that you face today. Each situation that God allows into your life, whether good or difficult, will become part of your story of faith. 

So at the end of each day, take a moment to clearly look at where you are and examine how much you trusted the Lord to get you through those highs and lows of that day. Where you need to trust more, determine to do so. God promises He will not leave you or forsake you. He has never left your side. He sees your tears, He understands your fears, and He loves you so very much. 

Let’s pray:

Father, you are so good. Because you are with me, I don’t ever have to be afraid or dismayed by all the things that I am facing today. The future may be scary, but I trust you, God, to walk beside me each day. I look to you to guide me in all the decisions that I have to make. I place my fears of tomorrow into your hands. Carry me, Lord, when I cannot take one more step. I cling to your promise that you will go before me. I can choose to trust you because your word says that you will be with me, that you will not leave me or forget me, ever. Lord, you know my tomorrow. You are the giver of my dreams. Let the things I am journeying through draw me closer to you, as I trust you to be there in each moment of my day. Let my life reflect your peace, your provision, and your purpose.
In your mighty name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/kieferpix

Tiffany Thibault is a Jesus-loving desert girl. She loves to spend time with her college-aged daughters, coffee with friends and taking long walks. She teaches 4th grade and loves to write in her spare time. She is the author of a Bible study and a devotional book. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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